In Development.
Tara Winkler was just 19 years old when she set off on a trip to Cambodia that would change her life forever. She visited an orphanage where the children were living in abject poverty.
Compelled to help, Tara raised much-needed funds to support the orphanage, but eventually discovered that the funds were being embezzled and the children were suffering gross neglect and abuse.
Tara couldn’t turn her back on the children, so she forms an unlikely friendship with a determined young Cambodian girl named Sinet, who had endured years of abuse in a corrupt orphanage.
Together, they shine a light on an insidious form of modern day slavery and fight to end the era of orphanages.
An inspirational true story of triumph over adversity.
+ TEDxSydney 2016 Talk | Why We Need to End the Era of Orphanages
+ ABC Australian Story ‘The House of Tara’ | 2014 documentary
+ 60 Minutes story | 2016 report